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가을은 수확의 계절 그래 맞다. 추수의 계절 송이 능이 니꼬빠리 다 있는데 굽두디기 상두가 빠졌다. 2023. 9. 29.
[DiscoverKorea] Giant Asian mantis on verge of spawning On the 28th, when the autumn spirit is in full swing, a female giant Asian mantis (Hierodula patellifera) is preparing to spawn in a rural area in South Korea. #GiantAsianmantis #넓적배사마귀 #사마귀 2023. 9. 28.
Gifts for Eternal Life, Figurative Pottery in Diverse Vessel Forms In ancient times, funerary rites were based upon the perception that death was not the end but marked the continuation of this life in the world beyond. This perception led to the custom of building great tombs furnished with a rich array of grave goods, which can be observed in the regions of Silla (57 BCE - 676 CE) and Gaya (42 CE - 562). The people of Silla and Gaya used figurative pottery in.. 2023. 9. 28.
Gold from millennium kingdom Silla With exquisite decorations made with gold granules and thread along with dozens of attached gold spangles, these are certainly the finest earrings yet discovered from the Three Kingdoms Period (57 BCE - 668 CE). More than 1500 years after they were produced, the gold is still sparkling and radiant, and the elaborate decorative patterns demonstrate the high quality of Silla goldsmith and filigree.. 2023. 9. 28.
1,500 year-old Gold Earrings from Millennium Kingdom #GoldEarrings with Thick Hollow Rings, #Silla (mid-6th century), Excavated from Double Burial in Bomun-dong (Gyeongju), Weight (left): 57.1g, Weight (right): 58.7g, National Treasure 90 Most Resplendent Earrings of the Three Kingdoms Period in Korean history 2023. 9. 27.
대전 중구 한국족보박물관 2023. 9. 24.