Numerous pieces of lanterns found in a waste pit near Hwangnyongsa Temple
Numerous pieces of lanterns found in a waste pit near Hwangnyongsa Temple
SEOUL, Nov. 25 (Yonhap) -- A number of lanterns from the Unified Silla period were excavated at the Hwangnyongsa Temple site, one of the largest Buddhist temples, in Gyeongju, about 370 kilometres sou ...
Hwangnyongsa Temple was built during the Silla period. Construction began in 553 under the reign of King Jinheung, and was not fully completed until 644. It had a wooden pagoda of total height of 68 m (223 ft) or 80 m (262 ft), making it one of the tallest structures in East Asia at the time of its construction.
The temple was the center of state-sponsored Buddhism during the Silla and Unified Silla eras. Archaeological excavations and other scientific studies of the temple began in April 1976.
The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage announced Thursday that it has found around 150 lanterns from Silla buried in waste pits at the West corridor of the temple site, which is under annual excavation and investigation.
황룡사 폐기물 구덩이서 신라 등잔 150여점 무더기 발견
국립경주문화재연구소 조사…"8∼12세기 공간 변화과정 파악"
황룡사 폐기물 구덩이서 신라 등잔 150여점 무더기 발견
(서울=연합뉴스) 박상현 기자 = 신라 최고·최대 사찰로 알려진 경주 황룡사에서 통일신라시대 등잔이 무더기로 나왔다.국립경주문화재연구소는 연차 발굴조사 중인 황룡사터 서회랑(西回廊) 서
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