This photo, provided by the Cultural Heritage Administration, shows the Tomb of Queen Consort Yeongbin, Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do after recent record-breaking torrential rain in central South Korea.
Yeongbin Kim, a royal concubine of King Sukjong of the Joseon Dynasty was born in the 10th year of the reign of King Hyeonjong (1669).
When Queen Inhyeon was downgraded and expelled from the palace, she suffered the same fate.
That was because Huibin Jang, another royal concubine of King Sukjong who was in his good graces, accused them of having formed a conspiracy against the king.
Yeongbin Kim was expelled to her home, and she passed away in the 11th year of the reign of King Yeongjo (1735) at 67.
When Queen Inhyeon was reinstated later, so was Yeongbin Kim.
Around her tomb are some stone constructions to show decent respect and protection to the deceased. The epitaph in front of her tomb tells us about her including her birthday, death, funeral, etc.
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