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[신규 세계유산] (21) 그림 같은 독일 슈베린 성 슈베린 성 Schwerin Residence Ensemble Germany Date of Inscription: 2024 Criteria: (iv) Dossier: 1705 N53 37 27 E11 25 8 Schwerin Residence Ensemble Created for the most part in the 19th century in what was then the capital of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in northeast Germany, the property comprises 38 elements, including the Grand Duke’s Residence Palace and manor houses, cultural and sac.. 2024. 7. 28.
[신규 세계유산] (20) 4만년 전 인류 화석 보루시아 동굴 말레시이아 니아 국립공원 동굴 단지 고고학 유산 The Archaeological Heritage of Niah National Park’s Caves Complex Malaysia Date of Inscription: 2024 Criteria: (iii)(v) Property : 3,690 ha Dossier: 1014 N3 48 50 E113 46 53 The Archaeological Heritage of Niah National Park’s Caves Complex This complex of colossal, interconnected caverns is located near the west coast of Borneo Island at the centre of Niah National Par.. 2024. 7. 28.
[신규 세계유산] (19) 넬슨 만델라, 그 위대한 여정 남아공 인권, 해방, 화해: 넬슨 만델라 유산 Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites South Africa Date of Inscription: 2024 Criteria: (vi) Property : 42.04 ha Buffer zone: 300.12 ha Dossier: 1676 S25 44 26.49 E28 12 42.45  Human Rights, Liberation and Reconciliation: Nelson Mandela Legacy Sites The serial property represents the legacy of the South African struggle for human rights.. 2024. 7. 28.
[신규 세계유산] (18) 동아프리카 국제무역 도시 게디Gedi 케냐 역사도시 게디와 그 고고학 유적 The Historic Town and Archaeological Site of Gedi Kenya Date of Inscription: 2024 Criteria: (ii)(iii)(iv) Property : 20.81 ha Buffer zone: 22.61 ha Dossier: 1720 S3 18 36.95 E40 1 2.15 The Historic Town and Archaeological Site of Gedi Surrounded by a remnant coastal forest, away from the coastline, the abandoned city of Gedi was one of the most important Swahili cities on th.. 2024. 7. 28.
[신규 세계유산] (17) 러시아 케노제로 호수 문화경관, 산림과 빚어내는 화음 케노제로 호수 문화경관 Cultural Landscape of Kenozero LakeRussian Federation Date of Inscription: 2024 Criteria: (iii) Property : 71,030.91 ha Buffer zone: 68,989.406 ha Dossier: 1688 N61 55 40.8 E38 10 21.4  Cultural Landscape of Kenozero Lake Located in Kenozero National Park in the north-western area of the European region of the Russian Federation, the property depicts the local cultural landscape tha.. 2024. 7. 28.
[신규 세계유산] (16) 태국 푸 프라바트, 거대한 돌 솥뚜껑의 고장 푸 프라바트, 드바라바티 시대의 시마 석조 전통에 대한 증언 Phu Phrabat, a testimony to the Sīma stone tradition of the Dvaravati periodThailand Date of Inscription: 2024 Criteria: (iii)(v) Property : 585.955 ha Buffer zone: 598.806 ha Dossier: 1507 N17 43 51.81 E102 21 22.56 Phu Phrabat, a testimony to the Sīma stone tradition of the Dvaravati period The property illustrates the Sīma stone tradition of the Dvaravati per.. 2024. 7. 28.