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Square Tomb in Gyeongju / 慶州九政洞方形墳 / 경주 구정동 방형분

by taeshik.kim 2019. 10. 13.

square-shaped tomb of silla dynasty in gujeong-dong, gyeongju, korea

경주 구정동 방형분 / 慶州九政洞方形墳 

Located on the flat of the south slope of Mt. Hyeongjesan, Gujeong-dong, Gyeongju, Gyeongsangbuk-do, the tomb has a flat rectangular mound which is 8.85m long and about 3.7m high. There is an opinion that such a form comes from imitating Buddhist pagodas that was formed in the shape of the square at the time. 

The kerbstones around the mound is carved with the twelve zodiac animals dressed in armor into three pieces on each side. 

Inside the mound, a rectangular box-shaped chamber with a southward entrance has been found. The chamber is 270cm long from north and south, 240cm from east and west, and about 176cm high. At the point where the entrance meets the chamber two flat stones were used to make a door or gate. 

The entrance is connected to the south side of the east side of the chamber wall.

The corpse bed was set up in close contact with the western wall of the chamber using eight polished granites. 

Already stolen at the time of the 1920's investigation, the tomb yielded gold crown ornaments, silver jewellery, and silver horse strap pendants. 

The tomb was badly damaged and later repaired, but the twelve zodiac animals have been misplaced. 

Based on the size of the mound and the sculpture of the zodiac statues, it is estimated to be a royal tomb made in the first half of the 9th century. 

