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필자의 조선시대 미라 케이스 마지막 보고

by 신동훈 識 2024. 4. 5.


Archaeological and Anthropological Study on the Grave of Eunuch-Official Couple Serving for a Royal Court of Joseon Kingdom | Oh

Archaeological and Anthropological Study on the Grave of Eunuch-Official Couple Serving for a Royal Court of Joseon Kingdom https://doi.org/10.17746/1563-0110.2024.52.1.134-144 Full Text: PDF (Eng) |Generate QR code Abstract This article presents the findi


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아마도 필자가 직접 참여한 마지막 조선시대 미라 케이스 보고가 될 것이다. 

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