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당신을 좋은 곳으로 안내 할 지도
Located in Okcheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, which was the border between the Silla and Baekje kingdoms during the Three Kingdoms Period, Iseongsanseong Fortress, was a military facility built during the Three Kingdoms Period.
Archaeologists have discovered that 60 pits for storing somethind such as grains were clustered inside the fortress. These pits are generally flask-shaped with a narrow top and wide bottom. Based on the upper diameter, they can be largely distinguished from being around 150 to 180 cm and more than 220 cm. They are about 1.5 meters deep.
Inside these, earthenware, thought to have been mixed in later piles of soil, are excavated.
However, from Pit No. 33, earthenware such as bowls, jars, and mounteds dishes was found mainly along the edge of the bottom Although no special facilities have been identified inside the blood transfusion, there is an example of building a single-phase facility by stacking stones in the southern part of Room 26.
No special facilities were identified inside the pit, but traces of stones piled up in the southern part of Pit No. 26 were revealed. These pits appear to have been built in the 5th or 6th century.
In the investigation, an underground wooden water storage has been also discovered.
This storage, which has not yet been fully excavated, is estimated to be 4 m north and south and 3.5 m east and west inside a 565 cm long and 535 cm wide pit.
As a result of the surveys to date, it is presumed that the ramparts were built with soil at some point in the 5th century, and then at the end of the 5th or 6th century, the construction of reinforcement was performed by stacking stones outside.
옥천 이성산성에서 신라시대 저장용구덩이 60곳 발견
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