연구실 세 편의 논문이 이달 새로 출판된다.
(1) 17세기 조선시대 선비의 얼굴복원 : 국과수 이원준 박사가 제 1저자.
A portrait drawing of the 17th century Korean scholar based on craniofacial reconstruction - PubMed
As a technique mainly hiring in forensic investigation field to identify the descents, craniofacial reconstruction (CFR) is also used in archaeology to create the faces from ancient or medieval human remains, when there is little information about his/her
(2) 기 보고된 조선시대 미라-횡경막 탈장 케이스를 최신 기법으로 재 검토한 논문 : 박사 졸업생 고은성 선생이 제 1저자.
Revisiting diaphragmatic hernia of Joseon period Korean mummy by three-dimensional liver and heart segmentation and model recons
A three-dimensional (3D) segmentation and model reconstruction is a specialized tool to reveal spatial interrelationship between multiple internal organs by generating images without overlapping structures. This technique can also be applicable to mummy st
(3) 조선시대 사람의 안정성동위원소 분석 데이터를 동시대 시베리아 원주민 및 러시아 정착민 데이터와 비교한 논문: 석사 재학 김지은 선생이 제1저자.
Cross-Analysis of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in hairs retrieved from crania of Korean Joseon Dynasty Mummies and Russia
A specific human population’s diet can be estimated by analysis of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in bones or other organic materials unearthed at archa…
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