전통사찰 등록번호 : 가-92 호
위 치 : 김천시 대덕면 조룡리 882번지
Traditional Temple Registration No.: Ga-92
Location: 882, Joryong-ri, Daedeok-myeon, Gimcheon

봉곡사는 1698년 영휴대사靈休大師가 기록한 봉곡사중 수사적비명鳳谷寺重修事蹟碑銘에 의하면 신라 진덕여왕대 (647~653년)에 자장대덕慈藏大德이 창건하고 고려초 도선국사가 중수했다고 한다.
봉곡사를 중수한 도선국사가 산 너머 (구성면 연곡燕谷)에서 절터를 닦고 재목을 다듬는데 까마귀들이 지저귀며 밥을 계속 물고 가기에 이상히 여겨 뒤를 따라가 보니 지금의 봉곡사 터가 더 좋은 지라 이곳으로 옮겨 절을 지었다는 구전이 전해진다.

봉곡사가 가장 왕성하였던 1700년대만 해도 18전각이 있었다고 하는데, 지금은 대웅전 : 명부전·동상실東上室과 2동의 요사채만이 전한다.
대웅전(大雄殿)은 1707년(숙종 33년)과 1916년 에 중수하였고, 명부전冥府殿은 1690년(숙종 16년)과 1909년에 중수하여 오늘에 이른다.

According to the 'Trace Epitaph of Remodeling of the
Bonggok-sa,' written by Yeonghyu-daesa in 1698, Bonggok-sa was founded by Jajang-daeduk during the reign of Jindeok-yeowang, (Queen Jindeok, 647 – 653), and later remodeled by Doseon-guksa, (the Most Reverend Priest Dosun), in the beginning of the Goryeo Dynasty.

There is a legend that, one day, when Doseon-guksa was trimming timbers at a tramontane site he had established to build a temple, (at a present location around Yeongok, Guseong-myeon), a murder of crows flew away in a row, holding shavings of adz in their mouths.
He thought such a sight strange, and followed the birds, whereupon he came across another site, and one he regarded far more impressive as a site for a temple.
They say thus he moved and built Bonggok-sa there.

In the heyday of the 18th century, it is said that the temple once possessed 18 palaces, whereas currently there remain only Daewoong-jeon, (the main sanctuary of the temple), Myeongbu-jeon, Dongsang-sil, and two parlors.

Daewoong-jeon has been rebuilt twice, in 1707, (the 33rd year of Sukjong in the Joseon Dynasty), and in 1916.
Myeongbu-jeon was also rebuilt twice, in 1690 (the 16th year of Sukjong in the Joseon Dynasty), and in 1909.

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