Donam Seowon was built in 1606 (in the 39th year of King Seonjo's reign) ) and denominated in 1676 (in the 2nd year of King Sukjong's reign).
In 1797 (in the 21st year of King Jeongjo's reign), Dongjae (East Hall') and Seojae ('West Hall) were built, and then the whole compound was repaired several times.
After it was dismantled in 1871 (in the 8th year of King
Gojong's reign), part of the lecture hall including the auditorium was rebuilt in 1992 by the local Confucian scholar group, which was followed by the restoration of Dongjae and Seojae with financial support from

In a Confucian culture tourism development project
that started in 2002, Jeongheoru, Jangpangak, Jeonsacheong, Yeonggwimun, Gojiksa, Ilgwandang, and Ibdeokmun were constructed.
As the foremost seowon in Gyeongsang-do region that has maintained for centuries its status as 'the hometown of Confucius and Mencius.

Donam Seowon enshrines nine great scholars of Jeong Mong-ju, Kim Goeng-pil, Jeong Yeo-chang, Yi eon-jeok, Yi Hwang, No Su-shin, Yu Seong-ryong, Jeong Gyeong-se, and Yi Jun.
Memorial service is given on ha-jeong-il ('last day with T sign included) in every 2nd and 8th month of the lunar year.

1606년(선조 39)에 창건하여 1676년(숙종 2)에
사액(賜額) 되었으며 1797년(정조 21)에 동·서재를 세운 후
몇 차례 중수를 거쳤다.
1871년(고종 8)에 훼철(毁散)된 후 1992년 향토 유림에서 강당 등 일부를 건립 한데 이어 경상북도의 지원으로 동·서재를 복원하였고 2002년부터 유교문화 관광개발 사업으로 정하루 · 장판각 · 전사청 · 영귀문·고직사 · 일관당 · 입덕문 등을 건립하였다.

영남의 으뜸 서원으로 추로지향(鄒魯之鄕)의 위상을 수 백년간 이어오면서 정몽주 · 김굉필 · 정여창 - 이언적 · 이황 · 노수신 · 유성룡 · 정경세 · 이준 등 아홉 선생을 모신다.
향사일은 매년 음력 2 · 8월 하정일(下丁日)이다.
날이 새고 다시 찍는다.

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