calf bones
송고시간 | 2019-09-16 11:54
국립중앙박물관·몽골과학아카데미 도르릭나르스 유적 조사
The National Museum of Korea said today it has unearthed 2,000-year-old Xiongnu tombs of duurlignars, about 500 kilometers northeast of Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia.
Inner and Outer Coffins of No. 160-E3 tomb
Jointly with its Mongolian counterparts, the Mongolian Science Academy Archeology Center and the Mongolia National Museum, the Korean museum excavated six satelite tombs of No. 160 Tomb, the largest one among the Xiongnu site.
As a result of the excavation conducted from July 15th to the 7th of this month, two pieces of human faced silver belt ornaments of about 5 centimeters in length respectively have been found near the waist of the buried person of No. 160-E3 tomb with a wooden-framed chamber.
human faced silver belt ornaments from No. 160-E3 tomb
In addition, the survey identified another tomb built in the 13th or 14th century on top of the No. 160 tomb from where a cylindrical birch bark hat has been found next to the calf bones of the buried person.
The hat appears to have been a popular item among women of the time.
The main tomb and its satelite tombs
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