The Mokpo National University Museum has been conducting excavation research on shell guns in Gungok-ri, Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do.

This time, the Report on the Excavation of Gungok-ri Shellmound VI / 海南郡谷里貝塚 VI, summarizing the results of the 7th excavation survey (2020-2021 survey) has been published.
It's about the central space, cheers, and residential groups of these ruins.
We tried to promote important relics and provide quality data.

We are planning to actively share the report through the pdf file because there is not enough printing.
Interested people can contact the museum or receive the pdf file through the Cultural Heritage Administration's website.
Contact_ (82)61-450-6302 (Gang Gwui-hyeong 강귀형)

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