키루스 실린더 - 세계 최초의 인권 헌장
The Cyrus Cylinder - World's first Charter of Human Rights
이 키루스 원통은 기원전 539년 아케메네스 페르시아 황제 키루스 대왕이 바빌론(현재의 이라크)을 정복한 후 그의 선언문을 새긴 고대 점토 유물 clay artifact 이다.
아카드어 설형문자Akkadian cuneiform script로 작성했다.
그는 이해에 신바빌론 제국 Neo-Babylonian Empire 을 정복했다.
이 실린더는 종교적 관용과 자유를 장려하고 키루스의 혁신적인 통치와 다양한 문화에 대한 존중을 보여주는 세계 최초의 인권 헌장으로 간주된다.
글은 키루스를 칭찬하고 그의 족보를 설명하며 그를 여러 왕조의 왕으로 묘사한다.
키루스에게 패배하고 폐위된 바빌로니아 왕 나보니두스 Nabonidus 는 바빌로니아 사람들에 대한 불경건한 압제자로 비난을 받고 있으며, 그의 천한 출신은 키루스의 왕위 계승과 암묵적으로 대조된다.
승리한 키루스는 바빌로니아인들에게 평화와 질서를 회복시키기 위해 바빌로니아 최고 신 마르둑Marduk이 선택한 것으로 묘사된다.
본문은 전통적으로 성서 학자들에 의해 바빌로니아 시민의 은인인 키루스와 바빌론 포로 이후 유대 민족을 송환하려는 그의 정책(에즈라서 Book of Ezra 에서 키루스의 행위로 간주됨)을 확증하는 증거로 여겨졌다.
그 영어 번역 전문은 아래와 같다.
Translation of Fragment A
The Tyranny of Nabonidus
[1] [When...] ...
[2] ... of the four quar]ters
[3] [x x x] /x x\ An incompetent personnote was installed to exercise lordship over his country.
[4] /and?\ [...] he imposed upon them.
[5] A counterfeit of Esagila he ma[de, and...]... for Ur and the rest of the cultic centers,
[6] a ritual which was improper to them, an [unholy] di[splay offering x x x without] fear he daily recited. Irreverently,
[7] he put an end to the regular offerings (and) he in[terfered in the cultic centers; x x x he] established in the sacred centers. By his own plan, he did away with the worship of Marduk, the king of the gods,
[8] he continually did evil against Marduk's city. Daily, [...] without interruption, he imposed the corvée upon its inhabitants unrelentingly, ruining them all.
Marduk's Anger
[9] Upon hearing their cries, the lord of the gods became furiously angry and [x x x] their borders; the gods who lived among them forsook their dwellings,
[10] angry that henote had brought them to Babylon. Marduk, the ex[alted, the lord of the gods], turned towards all the habitations that were abandoned and
Marduk Finds a New King
[11] all the people of Sumer and Akkad, who had become corpses. He was reconciled and had mercy upon them. He examined and checked all the entirety of the lands, all of them,
[12] he searched everywhere and then he took a righteous king, his favorite, by the hand, he called out his name: Cyrus, king of Anšan; he pronounced his name to be king all over the world.
[13] He made the land of Gutium and all the Umman-mandanote bow in submission at his feet. And he{I.e., Cyrus.}} shepherded with justice and righteousness all the black-headed people,
[14] over whom henote had given him victory. Marduk, the great lord, guardian of his people, looked with gladness upon his good deeds and upright heart.
Cyrus Takes Babylon
[15] He ordered him to go to his city Babylon. He set him on the road to Babylon and like a companion and a friend, he went at his side.
[16] His vast army, whose number, like water of the river, cannot be known, marched at his side fully armed.
[17] He made him enter his city Babylon without fighting or battle; he saved Babylon from hardship. He delivered Nabonidus, the king who did not revere him, into his hands.
[18] All the people of Babylon, all the land of Sumer and Akkad, princes and governors, bowed to him and kissed his feet. They rejoiced at his kingship and their faces shone.
[19] Lord by whose aid the dead were revived and who had all been redeemed from hardship and difficulty, they greeted him with gladness and praised his name.
Cyrus' Titles
[20] I am Cyrus, king of the world, great king, mighty king, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters,
[21] the son of Cambyses, great king, king of Anšan, grandson of Cyrus, great king, king of Anšan, descendant of Teispes, great king, king of Anšan,
[22] of an eternal line of kingship, whose rule Bêl and Nabu love, whose kingship they desire fot their hearts' pleasure. When I entered Babylon in a peaceful manner,
The Prince of Peace
[23] I took up my lordly abode in the royal palace amidst rejoicing and happiness. Marduk, the great lord, /established as his fate (šimtu)\ for me a magnanimous heart of one who loves Babylon, and I daily attended to his worship.
[24] My vast army marched into Babylon in peace; I did not permit anyone to frighten the people of [Sumer] /and\ Akkad.
[25] I sought the welfare of the city of Babylon and all its sacred centers. As for the citizens of Babylon, [x x x upon wh]om henote imposed a corvée which was not the gods' wish and not befitting them,
[26] I relieved their weariness and freed them from their service. Marduk, the great lord, rejoiced over [my good] deeds.
Religious Measures
[28] and in peace, before him, we mov[ed] around in friendship. [By his] exalted [word], all the kings who sit upon thrones
[29] throughout the world, from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, who live in the dis[tricts far-off], the kings of the West, who dwell in tents, all of them,
[30] brought their heavy tribute before me and in Babylon they kissed my feet. From [Babylon] to Aššur and (from) Susa,
[31] Agade, Ešnunna, Zamban, Me-Turnu, Der, as far as the region of Gutium, the sacred centers on the other side of the Tigris, whose sanctuaries had been abandoned for a long time,
[32] I returned the images of the gods, who had resided there,note to their places and I let them dwell in eternal abodes. I gathered all their inhabitants and returned to them their dwellings.
[33] In addition, at the command of Marduk, the great lord, I settled in their habitations, in pleasing abodes, the gods of Sumer and Akkad, whom Nabonidus, to the anger of the lord of the gods, had brought into Babylon.
Cyrus' Prayer
[34] May all the gods whom I settled in their sacred centers ask daily
[35] of Bêl and Nâbu that my days be long and may they intercede for my welfare. May they say to Marduk, my lord: "As for Cyrus, the king who reveres you, and Cambyses, his son,
Translation of Fragment B
[36] [end of prayer]."
The people of Babylon blessed my kingship, and I settled all the lands in peaceful abodes.
Building Activities
[37] I [daily increased the number offerings to N] geese, two ducks, and ten turledoves above the former offerings of geese, ducks, and turtledoves.
[38] [...] Dur-Imgur-Enlil, the great wall of Babylon, its de[fen]se, I sought to strengthen
[39] [...] The quay wall of brick, which a former king had bu[ilt, but had not com]pleted its construction,
[40] [...who had not surrounded the city] on the outside, which no former king had made, (who) a levy of work[men (or: soldiers) had led] in[to] Babylon,
[41] [... with bitumen] and bricks, I built anew [and completed th]eir [job].
[42] [... magnificent gates of cedar] with a bronze overlay, thresholds and door-sockets [cast in copper, I fixed in all] their [doorways].
[43] [x x x] An inscription with the name of Aššurbanipal, a king who had preceded [me, I s]aw [in its midst].
[44] [...]
[45] [...] for eternity.
간단히 추리자면
바빌론 왕이 온갖 나쁜 짓을 다해서 마르둑 신까지 버렸으니, 그래서 새로운 통치자를 찾다가 키루스를 그 적임자로 지목하시어 내가 오게 되었노라.
그러니 나한테 잘해레이, 그라마 나도 니들한테 잘해줄 테다. 종교? 니 맘대로 선택해레이. 난 존중한데이,
다만 대들지만 마레이. 대들마 국물도 없데이! 딱 이거다.
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