중국 해안에 웬 돼지 족발?…수만개 분량 밀려와 | 연합뉴스
중국 해안에 웬 돼지 족발?…수만개 분량 밀려와, 차대운기자, 국제뉴스 (송고시간 2020-07-12 12:02)
범인은 좁혀야 한다.
무엇보다 족발에 환장하는 문화권을 추려야 한다.
그 족발 환장권에 한국도 당당히 한자리를 차지한다.
일본은? 중국은? 대만은? 베트남은? 필리핀은?

다음 해류의 흐름을 추적한다.
저 시간대 해류가 어느 방향에서 밀어닥쳤는지.
다만 그것이 도착한 지점만 알려졌지 출발지와 항해기간을 알 순 없으니 환장할 노릇이겠다.
다음으로 모조리 수거해 그에서 단서라 할 만한 것을 포착하며 csi 불러 dna 검사해 그 원산지를 알아낸 다음 그것을 사가는 데가 어딘지를 알아내면 되겠다.
단..그리하여 족발 유출 범인을 잡는다 해도 족발 대신 오리발이 나올 가능성이 크다는 점은 유념해얄 듯 싶다.

우리 공장 보도가 좀 충실하지 못한 대목이 있어, 그것을 영문으로 보강한다. 중국 보도를 구글로 자동번역했음을 밝힌다. 교정할 여유는 없다. 고유명사 정도나 손질한다. 그나저나 중국어 영어 번역은 상당한 수준에 접근했음을 본다. 부럽다.
The Dongguan Times 東莞時報 동완시보 reported that according to pictures provided by netizens, a large number of pig's trotters 豬蹄 저제 족발 were found on the beach outside Hǎizhàn guǎn Hotel 海戰館 해전관호델 all near the Humen Bridge on Weiyuan Island 虎門威遠島 虎門大橋 호문위원도 호문대교 in Humen 虎門 호문.
The manager of the hotel confirmed this information and said that around 11 o'clock in the middle of the night on the 10th, they found sporadic trotters floating on the beach. Because it was late at night, they planned to clean up after work the next day, but they were surprised to see on the morning of the 11th. Thousands of pig's trotters almost covered the entire beach, so Humen Municipal Department was contacted to support.
"The coast of pig's feet and viscera is nearly one kilometer long, and there are dozens of tons visually." said Mr. Li, the relevant person in charge of the Humen Water Bureau. According to Mr. Li, "It was just low tide when the sea was discovered. The smelly pig's feet and unidentified animal internal organs obviously came from the water, but the sea floated from the upper river channel, and the situation is unknown."

The report said that by 11 a.m. on the 11th, the municipal authorities had basically completed the clean-up of the navy battle beach. But they found that the place where the pig's trotters appeared was far more than the beach in front of Hǎizhàn guǎn Hotel, and this happened to the nearby coastline. According to estimates by on-site staff, all trotters may exceed 20 tons.
As the new coronavirus epidemic has not stopped, the emergence of these trotters and viscera of unknown origin has caused local residents and netizens to panic, worrying about "what is the precursor of the outbreak of the epidemic?" Some people speculate that it is smuggled at sea and lost or imported Shang was afraid that the virus was found and threw it at the nearby sea. Some netizens described the photo and said, "The pig's feet in the mouth suddenly won't smell!"

Municipal workers are currently doing their best to clean up to prevent them from spoiling and spoiling at high temperatures, affecting the surrounding landscape and environment. The cleaned pig's trotters and internal organs will be further processed by the joint epidemic prevention department. As for the source of these trotters and internal organs, the local public security and relevant departments have intervened in the investigation.
According to the report, according to common sense, normal pig's trotters are denser and will not float on the surface of the water. They will only float after being soaked and swollen for a long time. Where did the trotters come from, who is the consignor, and what was the reason for being washed into the water, still needs further investigation and clarification by the relevant departments.
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