이집트 아비도스 람세스2세 신전서 양머리 미라 2천개 발굴
(카이로=연합뉴스) 김상훈 특파원 = 이집트 중부 아비도스에 있는 람세스 2세 신전에서 프톨레마이오스 왕조(기원전 350년∼기원전 30년) 시대의 것으로 추정되는 양 머리 미라 2천여개가 발굴됐다.
26일(현지시간) 이집트 관광유물부에 따르면 미국 뉴욕대 고고학 발굴팀은 이집트 중부 아비도스에 있는 람세스 2세 신전에서 최소 2천여개의 양 머리 미라를 찾아냈다.
이곳에서는 양 머리와 함께 개, 야생 염소, 소, 가젤, 몽구스 미라도 함께 발견됐다.
이집트 아비도스 람세스2세 신전서 양머리 미라 2천개 발굴
(카이로=연합뉴스) 김상훈 특파원 = 이집트 중부 아비도스에 있는 람세스 2세 신전에서 프톨레마이오스 왕조(기원전 350년∼기원전 30년) 시대의 것으로 추정되는 양 머리 미라 2천여개가 발굴됐
이런 무지막지한 소식이 우리 공장 카이로 특파원 김상훈을 통해 타전됐으니, 저 기사에서도 인용한 이집트 관광유물부 배포 보도자료와 관련 사진을 정리해 본다.
단, 이 텍스트는 구글 자동 번역인 듯해서 곳곳이 불안하고 문맥이 자연스럽지 않은 데가 있지만 그런대로 맛만 보기로 한다. 좀 더 안정적인 자료를 찾아 나중에 보완하기로 한다.
우리 보도에서는 양머리 미라라 표현했지만, 미라 라고는 하기 힘들고, 양머리 뼈 정도로 이해함이 좋겠다.
Press release
March 25, 2023
The American archaeological mission at the University of New York working in the area of the King Ramses II Temple of Abydos has successfully unearthed more than 2,000 decomposed ram heads dating back to the Balthlemian era, as well as a huge building from the Sixth Dynasty era.
미국 뉴욕대 팀이 아비도스 지역 람세스2세 신전 구역을 조사한 결과 2천 마리 분 양 대가리를 확인했다는데, 그것을 묻은 시대는 the Balthlemian era 시대다. 나아가 제6 왕조 시대 거대한 건물 하나도 찾았단다.
Said Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Archeology, stressing the importance of this discovery, which uncovers important details in the life and history of the Temple of King Ramses II in Abedos and the surrounding area, especially in light of the archaeological and historical importance of this temple, which greatly contributes to knowing the location of the temple and what it witnessed From life over one thousand years, from the Sixth Dynasty to the Heroic Age.
He added that the mission also uncovered a number of animals perched beside the heads of the rams, including a group of goats, dogs, wild goats, cows, deer and an ostrich, which were found in a newly discovered warehouse room within the northern area of the temple.
이 사원 북쪽 구역 저장창고에서는 염소 개 야생염소 암소 사슴 타조도 확인했다고.
For his part, Dr Sameh Iskandar, head of the mission, pointed out that the discovery of this large number of embellished rams, may have been used as offering offerings during an unprecedented worship of the rams in Abydus during the Bipidus period, in addition to suggest that the sanctification of King Ramses II in Abydos remained after his death For a thousand years.
이들 양머리는 Bipidus period(이집트어 발음을 그대로 자동 번역하면서 이런 표현이 등장한 듯하다.)에 아마도 희생으로 사용한 흔적인 듯하다고. 이번 발견을 통해 아비도스 지역에서 람세스2세를 추모하는 기운이 천년 동안이나 지속됐음을 보여주는 증거로 중요하다고.
As for the discovered huge building dating back to the age of the sixth family Vimtaz with a distinctive and unique architectural design featuring its huge thick walls about five meters in width, Lafta said that this building will greatly contribute to rethinking and rethinking the activities and architecture of the old state in Abydus, and the nature and shape of the place And the activities that took place before Ramses II was established for his temple and the accessories surrounding it.
Professor Mohamed Abdel-Badi, head of the Central Administration for Archeology of Upper Egypt at the Supreme Council of Archeology added that the mission also succeeded in uncovering parts of the northern wall surrounding the temple and its accessories, which calls for a change in mind about the shape of the temple of King Ramses II and what has been described and painted for It has been circulated among scientists and researchers since it was discovered more than 150 years ago, as well as finding parts of statues, parts of hills, remains of ancient trees, clothing and leather shoes.
This and the Mission will continue their excavation work on site to uncover more about the history of this site and study and document what has been uncovered during the current excavation season.
Ministry of Tourism and Monuments
아래는 또 다른 소식이다.
Discovering the Zodiac view of the column hall ceiling from the south side of Esna Temple for the first time.
This came during the work of the recording, documenting, restoration and displaying the temple's original colors conducted by the German Egyptian Archaeological Mission between the Egyptian Archaeological Center and the University of Toppingen.
A complete Zodiac on the ceiling of the Columned Hall from the southern side of Esna Temple has been found for the first time.
This came during the project of recording, documenting, and restoring the temple to showcase its original colors, which is being carried out by the joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission between the Egyptian Antiquities Recording Center and the University of Tübingen.
#Zodiac #Esna #EsnaTemple #Egyptology #Archaeology #AncientEgypt #Discovery
اكتشاف منظر لزودياك بسقف صالة الأعمدة من الناحية الجنوبية بمعبد إسنا لأول مرة.
جاء ذلك أثناء أعمال مشروع تسجيل وتوثيق وترميم المعبد وإظهار ألوانه الأصلية والذي يقوم به البعثة الأثرية المصرية الألمانية المشتركة بين مركز تسجيل الآثار المصرية وجامعة توبنجن.
A complete Zodiac on the ceiling of the Columned Hall from the southern side of Esna Temple has been found for the first time.
This came during the project of recording, documenting, and restoring the temple to showcase its original colors, which is being carried out by the joint Egyptian-German archaeological mission between the Egyptian Antiquities Recording Center and the University of Tübingen.
#Zodiac #Esna #EsnaTemple #Egyptology #Archaeology #AncientEgypt #Discovery
— at Esna Temple.
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