[Call for Papers] Oc Eo Culture in the Context of Asian Culture
The Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and the People's Committee of An Giang province are hosting an international conference on Oc Eo culture in Long Xuyen City, Vietnam, on November 17, 2023. The conference aims to explore the historical and cultural si
The Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and the People’s Committee of An Giang province are hosting an international conference on Oc Eo culture in Long Xuyen City, Vietnam, on November 17, 2023.

The conference aims to explore the historical and cultural significance of Oc Eo, an ancient city linked to the Funan Kingdom, and its role in Asian and global contexts.
Topics will include recent archaeological findings, the international maritime trade network, and the preservation of Oc Eo’s cultural heritage.

Deadline for abstract submission is the end of this week (October 15).
베트남사회과학원이 옥에오 Oc Eo 문화를 조망하는 국제학술대회를 2023년 11월 17일 Long Xuyen City에서 개최키로 하고 뭔가 한 다리 끼어 나도 할 말 있다 생각하는 사람들은 참가 발표 신청하라고 사발통문을 돌렸다.
그 문서를 첨부한다.

관심 있는 사람들은 참고바란다.
해양실크로드니 해서 이쪽에 발담그려 하는 연구자 천지니 많이들 가겠지?
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