보니 콜로세움은 발굴 중이라 안내문이 아래와 같다.
An archaeological research campaign, took place between October 2022 and June 2023 aiming at excavating the two corridors (first and second ambulatories) on the southern
front of the Colosseum and collapsed as a result of demolitions and earthquakes.
The goal, as well as scientific and cognitive, is to open to visitors a new sector of the Colosseum, expanding the visiting routes, enhancing the cultural value and, above all,
finally giving back the monurent to its original spaces
The area extends for about 200 metres (feet) and 3000 m² (feet) of surface from West to East (fig. 1); from the so-called Valadier spur (LX archway) to the so-called Stern spur
(XVIlI archway).

Raffaele Stern and Giuseppe Valadier are the two architects who restored, at the beginning of the 19"h century, that area of the Colosseum to stop the collapses of the monument's facade.
The collapse of the two corridors occurred as a result of neglect of the monument, demolitions and earthquakes, as early as the 6th-7th centuries and continuing in the
centuries to follow.

No longer preserving the pillars and the vaults, the
archaeological ayers have been investigated to reach the level of the original travertine block floor or the preparation
layer of the floor itself (fig. 2).
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