배우 박보검, 해군 군악대 지원…합격 시 8월 31일 입대 | 연합뉴스
배우 박보검, 해군 군악대 지원…합격 시 8월 31일 입대, 정빛나기자, 문화뉴스 (송고시간 2020-06-02 08:21)

Actor Park Bo-gum (27) applied to the Navy Military Band.
According to the Navy on the 2nd, Park Bo-gum applied to the keyboard parts of the Navy's military music and honor guard battalion recruited last month.
The acceptance will be announced on the 25th of this month at 10 am on the website of the Military Manpower Administration.
Upon passing, Park Bo-gum will enter the 669th Navy training course at 2 pm on August 31st.
In Korea, all men must do military services for a period of time.

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