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인도: 국제지질학회 및 화석 유적지 견학 공고

by 신동훈 識 2019. 11. 1.

인도에서 국제지질학회를 개최하는데 이때 field trip으로 각종 화석산지의 견학을 계획하고 있다고 합니다. 

관심있으신 분은 아래 연락을 참고하시기 바랍니다. 

I am writing this email particularly to inform you that India, with scientific support of Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, is hosting the forthcoming 36th International Geological Congress (IGC) in New Delhi during 2nd to 8th March 2020 (https://www.36igc.org/). As part of the Field Trip program for the delegates, we are organising a field trip titled “Unfolding of Quaternary History and Associated Geoarchaeological Remains of Tripura, Northeastern India” during 9th to 13th March 2020. Our team include Dr. N.R. Ramesh of Geological Survey of India who discovered and studied the prehistoric artefacts made on fossil wood in the Khowai valley in Tripura some 30 years back. In this field trip, we would be taking the delegates to those interesting locations and sites having abundance of fossil wood which were utilised for making prehistoric artifacts. Moreover, we shall visit the major Hoabinhian and Neolithic fossil wood sites of Tripura along with Quaternary deposits of geo-archaeological importance and other cultural and natural heritage sites of this part of India. You are most welcome to the 36th IGC and our field trip. You may also kindly pass on this information to your colleagues who may be attending the 36th IGC in New Delhi (https://www.36igc.org/post-congress-field-trips) so that they may opt for our field trip.

Thanks very much,

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Manjil Hazarika

Assistant Professor and Head (i/c)

Department of Archaeology

3rd Floor, MCB Building, Cotton University

Panbazar, Guwahati, Assam - 781001

Mobile: +919577624014, +917002210391




