Qhapaq Ñan Perú
April 12 at 4:40 AM
Following the archaeological excavation works that the Ministry of Culture has been carrying out through the Qhapaq Ñan Project in the Inkawasi sector or Casa del Inca of the Archaeological Zone Huánuco Pampa, the existence of a second Inca bathroom comes to light.
To date, only an Inca bath in Huánuco Pampa was known, which was associated with the site's highest hierarchy structure, known as the Inkawasi.
However, after archaeological excavations it could be evident that this building features a second Inca bathroom, whose complexity and dimensions are greater than those of the previously known.

This hydraulic structure, whose depth is 2 meters on average, was made with finely carved stones in the Imperial Inca style and is made up of two asymmetrical enclosures to which it is entered by a lateral access provided by five steps.
Each enclosure features a side niche, as well as independent spillways and wells; among the latter is a central passage where water flows into a drainage duct that, in turn, divided this space into two small platforms in the form of "banks".

Identified with the Quechua name of armanahuasi, the Inca baths are structures commonly associated with the most restricted areas and with greater hierarchy of the Incaic settlements, such as temples or sacred spaces, that is why they should possess a religious and ceremonial character, whose function more than useful it must have been ritual.

The archaeological excavation works in the Inkawasi of Huánuco Pampa are part of the archaeological research program for the purposes of conservation and appreciation that is executing the Project Qhapaq Ñan-National Headquarters in this archaeological area located in the district of the Union of the Huanuco Province of Two of May.

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