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E2023-1. Kim JE, Lee HJ, Hong JH, Kenig A, Zaitsera E, Slepchenko S, Kim S, Shin DH. Cross-nalysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Data from the Remains of Joseon Dynasty Mummies and Other Agrarian People of 16th to 18th Century Eurasian Continent. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2023. 47: 103732. 시베리아 고인골 관련
E2023-2. Oh CS, Kim MJ, Kim YS, Min S, Oh KT, Lee SD, Shin DH. Revealing Joseon period People's single nucleotide polymorphism associated with lactase gene by ancient DNA analysis of human remains from archaeological sites in Korea. Anat Cell Biol. 2023 Mar 31;56(1):54-60. doi: 10.5115/acb.22.178. Epub 2022 Dec 1. PMID: 36450657; PMCID: PMC9989794. 고시료에 대한 유전학적 분석.
E2023-3. CS Oh, JY Chai, S Min, KT Oh, J Seol, MK Song, DH Shin, M Seo. Updates of Joseon Period Parasite Infection Prevalence by Parasitological Studies on Human Coprolites from Archaeological Sites of Euijeongbu, Gumi and Wonju Cities. Parasit Host Dis. 61 (1), 89-93. 고기생충학 연구. 미라 기생충.
E2023-4. Shin DH, Hong S, Kim CY, Hong SJ, Ki HC, Lee SD, et al. Prospect of Paleopathological Research on the Forensic Work Records of Joseon Dynasty Period in Korea. Asian J Paleopathol 2023;5:8–20. 조선시대 무원록 시장 연구
E2023-5. Kim J, Seo M, Fujita H, Chai JY, Park JW, Jang JW, Jang IS, Shin DH. A parasitological study on the possible toilet ruins of the Japanese colonial period in Korea. Parasites Hosts Dis. 2023 May;61(2):198-201. 고기생충학 연구. 일제시대 유적.
E2023-6. Slepchenko SM, Gusev AV, Svyatova EO, Hong JH, Lee H, Shin DH. Anthropological report of arctic people's mummy found at a medieval grave of West Siberia. Anat Cell Biol. 2023 Sep 30;56(3):404-408. 시베리아 미라 관련.
E2023-7. Slepchenko S, Filimonova M, Ivanov S, Kenig A, Zaitseva E, Shin DH. The first archaeoparasitological data on the Russian rural population in Western Siberia in the 18th–19th centuries. Anthropological Science. 2023 Volume 131 Issue 2 Pages 133-139. 시베리아 고기생충.
E2023-8. Lee HJ, Hong JH, Shin DH, Slepchenko S. Difference in linear enamel hypoplasia frequency between the 16th- to 19th-century agrarian populations of the Korean Joseon dynasty and Siberian Russia. Anthropological Science. (in press). 시베리아 고인골 치아.
E2023-9. Koh ES, Lee DY, Yoo DS, Kim MJ, Hong JH, Park SJ, Kim JE, Shin DH. (2023). Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Gangneung Mummy’s Heart and Liver based on the Computed Tomography Images. Ancient Asia, 14: 1, pp. 1-8. 조선시대 미라 방사선 영상 분석.
E2023-10. Chai JY, Seo M, Shin DH. Paleoparasitology Research in Korea: Ancient Helminth Eggs and Larvae Detected in Archaeological Samples. Parasit Host Dis. (in press). 한국의 고기생충 연구에 대한 종설.
[한국어 논문]
K2023-1. 홍종하, 이양수, 고아라, 신동훈. 황하유역 초기 사육소 및 시베리아 원우의 유전학적 특징을 통해 본 동아시아 소의 역사적 확산과정. 인문학연구. 55: 83~122. 동아시아 소의 확산과정.
K2023-2. 윤영현, 신동훈, 홍성욱, 홍승직, 이숭덕, 기호철, 김창영. 조선 후기 증수무원록언해 시장기록에 기술된 해부학용어의 검토. 해부.생물인류학 36(2): 67-76. 무원록과 해부학용어.
[일본어 논문]
J2023-1.李陽洙・金智恩・洪宗河・申東勳. 考古学からみた韓半島における馬飼育様相の変遷. 動物考古學 (日本) Vol. 40. 1-10. 일본 동물고고학회지 출판. 국립청주박물관 이양수 박사와 공저.
J2023-2. 藤田尚・申東勳. 考古寄生虫学とトイレ考古学. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) (日本). 2023. 131(1) 9-15. 고고기생충학과 화장실고고학에 대한 평론.
[영문단행본 챕터]
B2023-1. Shin DH. A celebration of friendship between the scholars of India and South Korea. (2023) In: Peopling and Cultural Spread: Studies in South Asian Archaeology, in honor of Prof. Vasant S. Shinde for his commitment and services to Indian Archaeology (Eds: Shah A., Yatoo M. and Dibyopama A.) Dev Publishers & Distributors; First Edition (February 14, 2023). 데칸대 명예교수 신데 박사 정년 논총.
B2023-2A. Shinde V, Jadhav N, Kim YJ, Shin DH. Chapter 2. The Rakhigarhi Archaeological Site and Research Objectives. In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 19-42. 인더스 문명. 라키가리 발굴의 목적.
B2023-2B. Shinde V, Jadhav N, Kim YJ, Shin DH, Bhattacharyya B. Excavations 2013-2016. In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 43-63. 인더스 문명. 라키가리 발굴 진행 요약.
B2023-2C. Kim YJ, Jadhav N, Shin DH, Bhattacharya B, Shinde V. Chapter 4. Archaeological Inventory, Rakhigarhi Necropolis (2013-2016). In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 64-113. 인더스 문명. 라키가리 발굴 인벤트리.
B2023-2D. Lee HJ, Kim YJ, Woo EJ, Shinde V, Lee WJ, Waghmare P, Jadhav N, Oh CS, Hong JH, Kim JE, Shin DH. Chapter 5. Anthropological Review of Human Skeletons from the Rakhigarhi Necropolis. In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 114-138. 인더스 문명. 라키가리 발굴 인류학적 보고.
B2023-2E. Lee WJ, Kim YJ, Shinde V, Woo EJ, Lee HJ, Waghmare P, Jadhav N, Hong JH, Shin DH. Chapter 6. Craniofacial Reconstruction of Harappan individuals from the Rakhigarhi Necropolis. In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 139-163. 인더스문명. 얼굴복원.
B2023-2F. Shin DH, Kim YJ, Chai JY, Shinde V, Jadhav N, Oh CS, Hong JH, Dibyopama A, Kim J, Seo M. Chapter 7. Parasitism, Sanitation, and City Management Relating to the Harappan Cilivilization: Prospects for an Indian Archaeological Study. In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 164-186. 인더스문명. 고기생충학적 연구.
B2023-2G. Lee HJ, Woo EJ, Kim YJ, Waghmare P, Shinde P, Jadhav N, Oh CS, Hong JH, Shin DH. Appendix 1. Inventory of Rakhigarhi Necropolis Skeletons. . In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 242-258. 인더스문명. 라키가리 발굴 인골 인벤트리.
B2023-2H. Shinde V, Jadhav N, Kim YJ, Shin DH. Appendix 2. Research Ethics Relating to Investigations at the Rakhigarhi Necropolis. In: New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) (Eds: Shinde V., Shin D.H., Bhattacharya B.) pp. 259-260. 인더스 문명. 라키가리 발굴 윤리적 측면.
[일문 단행본 챕터]
J2023-3. 申東勳,藤田尚,洪宗河. 人類史における都市化の過程と寄生虫感染症. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27): 일본 출판 단행본 챕터. 고기생충학 관련.
J2023-4. ヴァサント・シンデー,金容俊,申東勳,小茄子川 歩. 生物人類学と古病理学からみたインダス都市の繁栄と衰退. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27). 일본출판 단행본 챕터. 인더스 문명 관련.
J2023-5. 藤田尚・Piers Mitchell・申東勳. 医学的見地からみた都市化とヒトの疾病. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27). 도시화와 인간의 질병.
J2023-6. 李 陽洙・申 東勳. 最新の発掘調査で明らかになった古代韓国の都市の発展と都市民の生活. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27). 한국 고대 도시와 도시민의 생활. 국립청주박물관 이양수 박사와 공저.
J2023-7. 藤田尚・申東勳. 総論:都市民の生活と疾病― 東アジア的モデルの模索 ―. 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27). 도시민의 질병: 동아시아 모델의 모색.
[단행본 편집]
B2023-2. New Perspectives of the Harappan Culture in the light of Recent Excavations at Rakhigarhi: 2011-2017 (VOLUME 1: BIO-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF RAKHIGARHI NECROPOLIS) Editors: Vasant Shinde, Dong Hoon Shin, Banani Bhattacharya. Archaeopress (UK).
B2023-3. 藤田 尚 (編集), 申 東勳 (編集). 都市化の古病理学 単行本. 雄山閣 (2023/12/27).
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