Seems to have sunk while carrying grain
South Korean archaeologists have completed underwater excavation on ‘Haenam shipwreck’ at waters of Songho beach, Songji-myeon, Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do which has been carried out since last June said the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage (NRIMCH) of Cultural Heritage Administration on the 19th.
In order to prevent damages and robberies of Haenam shipwreck that was discovered and reported at Songho beach, Haenam last May, the NRIMCH conducted underwater excavation from June to September.

The survey indicated that seven bottom planks, two left-side planks, three right-side planks survived, with 13.4 m of maximum preserved length and 4.7 m of maximum width.
Based on dimensions of preserved bottom planks, it is the largest among Korean-built shipwrecks that were excavated so far.
As radiocarbon dating on artifacts and timbers of hull recovered from the inside of it concluded that they are expected to have been from the early of eleventh to middle of twelfth centuries, it can be suggested that it was built and operated during the Goryeo Dynasty.
Recovered artifacts are totally 15 pieces, including potteries, roof tiles, whetstones, anchor stones, etc. Various kinds of seeds, including rice seeds, especially, found inside of the pottery jar imply high possibility of having been a transport ship.

All excavated shipwrecks in Korea totally counted to 15, including this excavation, and the institute will conduct detailed research on background of shipwreck, related features, etc., including future conservation treatment.
The shipwreck is designated as Haenam shipwreck, followed by excavated site.
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