New publication!
We're delighted to announce the launch of a groundbreaking publication by ICOMOS and ICCROM on “Post-Disaster and Post-Conflict Recovery and Reconstruction for Heritage Places of Cultural Significance and World Heritage Cultural Properties.”
The guidance is designed to support decision-making processes for recovery and reconstruction, offering a comprehensive approach that fosters informed and participative solutions.
By integrating the recovery of heritage places within broader post-event recovery efforts, we can pave the way for sustainable development, social cohesion, and resilience in affected communities.
Download the publication for free here:
New guide illuminates path to recovering damaged heritage
Rome, 13 February 2024 Loss and damage to cultural heritage arising from disasters and conflicts cause or exacerbate personal and social trauma. Often, this…
#ICCROM #ICOMOS #HeritageRecovery #CulturalPreservation #SustainableDevelopment #CommunityResilience #WorldHeritage #ICCROMResource #ICCROMSharjah International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)
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