강원 고성 해상서 혼획된 큰머리돌고래 | 연합뉴스
(강원 고성=연합뉴스) 속초해경은 28일 오전 강원 고성군 아야진항 동방 약 7.4km 해상에서 A어선이 큰머리돌고래를 혼획해 신고했다고 밝혔다...
A Risso's dolphin caught in a net thrown by a fishing boat off the East Sea near Gangwon-do, South Korea on the morning of the 28th.
The whale, found dead, was 2.7 m long, 152 cm in circumference, and weighed about 100 kg, and it was confirmed that it was not a marine protected species.

Whale fishing is banned in South Korea. However, whales that are accidentally caught and found dead in the net are allowed to be auctioned off by the catcher if it is not intentionally caught after the Coast Guard investigates the circumstances of the catch.
Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) is the only species of dolphin in the genus Grampus. It is commonly known as the Monk dolphin among Taiwanese fishermen. Some of the closest related species to these dolphins include: pilot whales (Globicephala spp.), pygmy killer whales (Feresa attenuata), melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra), and false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens).

At first glance, it looks like a tetrapod decoration used on a beach breakwater.
강원 고성 해상서 큰머리돌고래 한 마리가 혼획되었다고 한다. 생긴 모양 보면 해변 방파제에 쓰는 테트라포드 tetrapod 장식물 같다.
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