The Enhancing Our Heritage Toolkit 2.0 (EOH 2.0) is out!
This resource manual, prepared through to the work of more than 200 professionals and over a 10-year period, offers a practical self-assessment methodology to identify how well a World Heritage property is being managed.
Using the twelve tools included in the Toolkit site managers can identify how to improve management systems and how to better prepare management plans.
Download the tool directly!
The Tool is the result of several years of collaboration, consultation and analysis between the three Advisory Bodies and UNESCO.
This joint undertaking has been coordinated by the ICCROM-IUCN World Heritage Leadership programme in collaboration with ICOMOS and UNESCO with the continued generosity of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.
The World Heritage Leadership programme thanks Switzerland for its steadfast support of and commitment to supporting World Heritage capacity building for better management and conservation of our World Heritage.
There will be a side event in conjunction with the 24th World Heritage Convention General Assembly at UNESCO HQ on 23 November 2023 at 13.00-14.00 at the Conference Bar.
This side event will be organized by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Swiss National Commission for UNESCO and the World Heritage Leadership Programme. Come join us to learn more about the EOH 2.0 toolkit!!
#WorldHeritage #WHL #WorldHeritageLeadership #ICCROM #IUCN #ICOMOS #UNESCO #EOH
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