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아놀드 토인비의 노후

by 초야잠필 2023. 12. 17.

Study of History로 유명한 

아놀드 토인비의 노후이다. 

그의 노후는 역저 Study of History의 저술로 점철되어 있다. 

참고로 토인비는 1889년 생이다. 

Publication of A Study of History[3]
Vol I: Introduction: The Geneses of Civilizations, part one (Oxford University Press, 1934) 45세
Vol II: The Geneses of Civilizations, part two (Oxford University Press, 1934) 45세 
Vol III: The Growths of Civilizations (Oxford University Press, 1934) 45세 
Vol IV: The Breakdowns of Civilizations (Oxford University Press, 1939) 50세 
Vol V: The Disintegrations of Civilizations, part one (Oxford University Press, 1939) 50세 
Vol VI: The Disintegrations of Civilizations, part two (Oxford University Press, 1939) 50세 
Vol VII: Universal States; Universal Churches (Oxford University Press, 1954) [as two volumes in paperback] 65세 
Vol VIII: Heroic Ages; Contacts between Civilizations in Space (Encounters between Contemporaries) (Oxford University Press, 1954) 65세 
Vol IX: Contacts between Civilizations in Time (Renaissances); Law and Freedom in History; The Prospects of the Western Civilization (Oxford University Press, 1954) 65세 
Vol X: The Inspirations of Historians; A Note on Chronology (Oxford University Press, 1954) 65세 
Vol XI: Historical Atlas and Gazetteer (Oxford University Press, 1959) 70세 
Vol XII: Reconsiderations (Oxford University Press, 1961) 72세 

40대 중반부터 역저 Study of History를 쓰기 시작하여 

70세까지 완결하고 

72세에 보유까지 냈다. 

40대 중반의 필생의 역작을 죽을 때까지 끌고 간 셈이다. 

1975년에 86세의 나이로 사망. 

