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동물고고학 원고 모집

by 신동훈 識 2019. 9. 8.

월성해자 출토 각종 동물뼈

한국연구재단 등재지인 Anatomy and Biological Anthropology 지에서 내년 6월 출간할 동물고고학 특집호 원고를 아래와 같이 모집합니다. 

원고는 국문 영문 모두 가능하며 내년 1월 말까지 원고가 투고 되어야 합니다. 

발굴보고, 종설, 원저 모두 가능합니다. 


Special Issue

“Zooarchaeology in Anthropological Perspective”

Biological anthropology has rapidly developed in recent years, entering a new stage to better understand our ancestors’ physical and pathological traits in history. The development of biological anthropology is not limited to studies on human remains collected from archaeological sites. Rather, various kinds of specimens of parasites, insects, and animals are also the subjects of bioanthropological studies. Despite the trends, there has not much opportunity for bioanthropologists to see the outcomes of zooarchaeology from anthropological perspectives. Anatomy and Biological Anthropology (former: Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology) therefore decide to publish a special issue under the title “Zooarchaeology in Anthropological Perspective”. This special issue dedicated to this attractive subject will improve our understanding of the domesticated or wild animals over time, as well as their interaction with human society in history. We look forward to the participation of many zooarchaeologists around the world.

The manuscript should be submitted to http://www.jops.co.kr/ojms/kpaa/article/submit/instruction


no later than Jan 31, 2020

*In the cover letter of your paper, it must be specified that your manuscript is submitted to a special issue of “Animal Science in Anthropological Perspective”

투고 시에 동물고고학 특집호에 투고되었다는 것을 원고에 밝혀주시고 투고 사실을 관련자 (cuteminjae@gmail.com)에게 메일로 알려주시기 바랍니다. 
