'백제 이궁터' 부여 화지산 유적 서쪽 구릉 발굴 | 연합뉴스
'백제 이궁터' 부여 화지산 유적 서쪽 구릉 발굴, 박상현기자, 문화뉴스 (송고시간 2020-04-28 09:26)
An archaeological excavation survey will be conducted on the western hilly areas of Mt. Hwajisan in Buyeo, Chungcheongnam-do Province, the last capital site of Baekje (18 BC ~ 660 AD), one of the three kingdoms of ancient Korea.
Mt. Hwajisan, 48 meters above sea level, located south of Buyeo-eup, is said to be the site of its detached palace during the sabi period (538-660) of the Baekje Kingdom. Buyeo was called Sabi during the kingdom period.

Conducted on its western hills, 20 meters above sea level, jointly by the Cultural Heritage Administration, Buyeo-gun, and the Baekje Culture Foundation, the excavation will begin next month.
Adjacent to the northeast of Gungnamji Pond, the Hwajisan area is regarded as an important historical site in the era of Sabi Baekje.
According to Samguksagi, in 655, the 15th year of King Uija, Manghaejeong Pavilion was built in the south of the royal palace. The area around Mt. Hwaji is considered to be the site of the pavilion.
As a result of previous excavation surveys around the Hwasisan site, important building sites that were similar to the national facilities from the Baekje period were identified.

The following is the Cultural Heritage Administration's explanation for the site.
Hwajisan Mountain (a hill 10-48m above sea level) is located east of Gungnamji Pond, Buyeo (Historical Site No. 135) and is known to be the site of Manghaejeong Pavilion, a Baekje detached palace. When Chungnam National University Museum excavated the site in 1986, a large number of tile fragments and the cornerstones of building sites were found. In a further excavation carried out by the Buyeo National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage from May to August 2000, many diverse relics and architectural remains such as building sites, tombs, and wooden fences were found whose dates span the Baekje Dynasty up to the Joseon Dynasty. The site revealed archaeological features including 5 building sites, 11 stone-lined tombs, 18 pit tombs, and stone embankments as well as 50 relics, suggesting that the area continued to be used as a dwelling site or a tomb site from the Baekje Dynasty onward.

부여 궁남지宮南池(사적 제135호) 동쪽에 위치한 화지산花枝山(해발 10∼48m인 야산)은 백제 이궁지離宮址인 망해정望海亭이 있었다고 전해지는 곳으로서, 지난 '86년 충남대박물관 발굴조사 결과 건물지 초석과 와편이 다량 출토된 유적이다.
2000년 5월부터 8월까지 국립부여문화재연구소가 실시한 추가 발굴조사한에서도 백제에서 조선시대에 걸쳐 만든 건물지와 무덤, 목책시설 등 다양한 유구 및 유물(건물지5, 석곽묘11기, 토광묘<민묘>18기, 석축시설, 출토유물 50점 등)이 확인되어 이 일대가 백제시대 이후 계속 집터 또는 무덤으로 활용되었음을 알려준다.
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